Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A Golden Star to a Golden Team
In the locker room of the Dallas Cowboys, there is a star wedged between two TV's. The TV's can barely be seen, the black boxes on the left and right side of the picture. I know the Cowboys are blue and white so why the golden star?

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

From Post to Post

When I was on the Cowboys Stadium (AT&T stadium) field, I decided to get a view from one end of the game field to the other end. The field was so long, the people in the very back of the picture look like ants.

Monday, June 27, 2016

A Look on the Game Field
I was lucky enough to visit the Cowboys Stadium, AT&T Stadium, and get onto the field. I took my camera and put it on the ground then took some pictures. I focused on the ground then I left the background and window blurred.

Friday, June 24, 2016

A Sunset through the Trees
On our drive from dinner back to our house, I took this picture. The other pictures were blurry but on this picture, the shutter timed the shot perfectly. It came out as clear as clean glass.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Sunny Night

Half sunny and half nighttime, the sunset and nightfall met each other halfway in the sunset. Not only does this rare sight have both the sunset and moon but there is an airplane too, a triple whammy.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Over and Under

While shooting near a river, I started to throw in rocks and hold the shutter to try to capture the splash and the ripples that followed. After trying for five minutes, I finally took the perfect shot. With the water half over and under the rock and the ripples just starting, it was the shot I wanted.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Peaking Out

Under the water and through some rocks, a small crab was spotted in a small stream off of the Trinity River. I have never seen a crab in my life and to find it in a small, local river? Now that is just something that you don't see everyday.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father, Mother, Son

Happy Father's Day!  This black and white photo captures the whole family. I was lucky enough to have the father spread out its feathers. This was taken just before the mother and son jumped off the edge and disappeared from the camera's sight.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Up Top

Perched on the roof of a school building, this bird was enjoying the view the roof gave him. I believe he is looking for food or something similar to that. Soon enough the bird will probably fly down and then the picture would be called "Down Low."

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Fly Baby Fly

With my newly learned photography skills, the black and white colors and shutter speed, I tested them out on a baby peacock. As the baby was about to fly away, I held down the shutter. Unfortunately, the bird was too fast.  I only was able to take one picture of it flying or jumping, as some might call it.  

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

One Done, One to Go

One sudden storm after another, a back to back pummeling of rain and wind. Although the rain was wild and the wind was blowing over small items, the storm moved away within the hour leaving us with blue skies. Also, this is the 100th post for TMannphotography, congratulations to 100 amazing posts!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Following both my photography camp and a sudden rain storm, I tried my newly learned skills on what the rain did. I ended up taking this picture of rain water falling out of a gutter, it almost looks like a waterfall.

Monday, June 13, 2016

A Cloudy Sunset
Over the city lights and noises, the clouds and sun were having a wonderful party. The sun lit up the early night time sky by putting himself within the clouds. The clouds look like silk or strands of fine hair. Sadly, the sun had to leave shortly after he came to let the moon do its job.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Pin Pointers

These small, black, aquatic animals were scattered everywhere in the stream I was wading in. What better thing to do than to take a round of pictures to share with the world. If you look at them closely, they almost look like pin points or push pins.

Sunday, June 05, 2016

A Look Down the Lane
After lunch and on our way home, the street carved a perfect path. The buildings in the background are set right next to the street and as the street curve the buildings do too.

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Green Branches

As I was going on a morning run, while delivering newspapers to the neighbors houses, I stopped to see this oddly shaped bush. "It almost looks like a jellyfish," I said to myself before returning to the run.

Friday, June 03, 2016

Bloom flower, Bloom
The background is full of flowers that have bloomed, but this one his not yet bloomed. On a visit to a house I spotted the flowers and took a few pictures before returning to the tour and this is what the picture turned out to be

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Red, orange, and yellow, trees range in color and size. They are like giant humans. They eat, grow and live but the only thing we do differently then them, we sleep and rest much more than them.

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Rain, Up-close

Succeeding an enormous rain storm, we were sitting in the car waiting to go inside for dinner. To pass the time, I took pictures of the recently fallen rain before it dried away.